Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Pralines

A very Old Recipe:

1 and 1/2 cup of sugar

3/4 cups light brown sugar, packed

1/2 and 2 T Half and Half Cream (or Buttermilk, or Bailey's Irish Cream, or Egg Nog)

1/2 stick of real butter

1 and 1/2 cups of pecans

1 tsp of real vanilla

pinch of salt

Combine all ingredients except the pecans and vanilla in a heavy saucepan.

Mixture will be thick. Stir until it comes to a boil, then turn heat down to a low boil. Stir

occasionally, spooning mixture up on sides of pan to melt any sugar that hasn't melted.

Cook until mixture reaches 230 degrees with a candy thermometer.

Remove from heat, stir in the vanilla and the pecans. Stir vigorously until the mixture begins to thicken and becomes creamy and cloudy. Spoon onto sprayed or buttered wax paper.

When cooled, remove from paper and wrap or place on a pretty Christmas platter.

They look very pretty stacked on a red platter with chocolate crinkles and mexican wedding cookies .

Each recipe only takes minutes to make. I usually make 4 piles of ingredients before starting to cook.
Get yourself a candy themometer, they are inexpensive and will save you a lot of gooey messes!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

New Orleans Pralines

This is a great praline recipe. It takes a little practice, but once you have it down, you can make piles of this candy in very a short amount of time. I mix them in with my platters of cookies for gifts to friends and family. Try it with Bailey's Irish Cream, your grown-up friends will love you!