Sunday, April 8, 2018

Summer! What a beautiful word!
The garden is in its glory, the herb room is getting crowded with drying hanging herbs, oils and tinctures are brewing. The Louisiana heat is beginning to take a toll on the spring herbs, many are burning up in the 90 degree heat. I plant in March and harvest early. This year the basil appears to be suffering from a bit of a blight, but we are doing what we can to replant. Have a few orders to fill today, creams and tinctures, so this will be a short entry. Have a good day in the garden everyone!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Spring is very slow ..

This is April, it should be a bit warmer, but I can’t complain because my northern sisters are still under snow!
Been working very hard on the new herb beds, added 2 new ones this year- a bed just for basil, tomatoes and peppers, other for tumerick , culinary ginger and summer savory. So- now with all 6 of the new elderberry trees, and the Hawthorne tree, and all 11 of the herb beds I am very busy.
The cold and flu season was very hectic this year, made countless amounts of syrups and tinctures. Still have a bit left, I’ll probably tincture the rest of the berries. Really glad it’s over for now, it was very hard to keep up with the orders.
I am so very anxious for summer to begin! I want to harvest lots and lots of culinary herbs and make many jars of herbal teas...and jellies....and syrups...salves, tinctures.... Waiting for summer is very hard...