Drove out to the farm today to view the work that our contractor did on his first day. The road he's making is very nice, my yellow jeep made a very satisfying dust cloud on our way in! (ahh, country life... dust flying along your own country lane!)
The pond, which is my husband's great desire (mine is the superhuge kitchen and pantry the size of a bedroom) looked like a big hole in the ground. But..Kyle was estatic and in heaven. He called the grandchildren to come over because he said "a long time from now they will talk about how it used to look before it filled up with water. They can say, I saw it before it was a real pond". So, everyone came over and jumped in and out of the diggings and climbed on the bulldozer.
Of course, their mother my daughter, fussed about them getting really dirty and worried about the dangers of climbing on the bulldozer. (I could die laughing hearing her sound like me 20 years ago!)
So far "The pond" is about 8 feet deep and about 40 feet long. Not bad for one days dig. I think it will be 12 feet deep in the lowest point.
But to get back to that road....
I am in love with my dirt road .....it winds nicely to the back of the property, meandering slowly around the trees.
The house will look beautiful at the end of it.
Imagining endless days of sweet ice tea and little tomato sandwiches.
I know just where I'm going to put my two rope swing. It will hang on that big hackberry tree at the bend.
Life can not possibly get better than this.
Oh, what a wonderful dirt road you are going to have. It all sounds wonderful & magical :)
magic it is..I think all sorts of creatures, real and imaginary will be spending time at our farm. Being there makes me feel out of synch with this time, it feels more pre world war. You know? sheets and aprons and printed tablecloths hanging on the clothes line time?
I wish you could see it. I'm dreaming about the trees I want to plant. All edibles of course, lol.
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