Sunday, February 27, 2011

summer roses and bees

This week we went out to the new farm and started to till different spots for our gardens. We have tilled up 2 spots so far and plan to make more.
I have not started new gardens in many years and have forgotten that this is back-breaking hard work. After we have the ground tilled and the fences put up I will be able to relax and start planting. I know this is silly.... but I so want a garden bench and a rose trellis as much as I want to build up my new herb boxes.
Natural green beauty makes me happy, comforts me in many ways.
In my imagination, the roses are already spilling across the trellis and the bees are happily buzzing around.
The real world sees that my roses are still in the their pots,the trellis and garden bench still reside at the lumber yard; but I know it's only a matter of time before we get the bench and plant those beautiful pink and white climbing roses.
Right now the hard work of building boxes, mixing compost, manure; tilling more spots and putting in fences are my reality, but my dreams of scented summer days are coming closer and closer.....
I have a bottle of Advil on my bathroom counter where it will remain until the end of planting season, my tinctures of valerian and St. John's wort sitting beside it, a big supply of our herbal arthritis cream in the medicine chest; all necessary items when you are 50 and putting in a new farm!
In April the flowers will be blooming and I will start to harvest some winter herbs, the roses may not be profuse; but I think we will see a few..
Can you see me sitting under that tree, iced tea in hand, homemade bread spread with the last of the mulberry jelly?
I can hear the bees singing to me there.


@la_yerberia said...

Jan, I am looking forward to the photo of you sipping tea on your garden bench, a spray of roses bobbing in the background ♥
I'm rooting for you! ~ Becki

Deb from Peterman Brook Herb Farm said...

Jan, I can see it! Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to.